Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What Is Faith and Who Has It?

You may know of people who do not believe in anything that they cannot see, or need for it to be proved scientifically before they can believe. This is NOT faith. For faith is “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1, NIV) Without faith, you cannot possibly have a relationship with God.

While there are people who question the validity of the bible and that it comes from God, there is evidence that the accounts given in the bible are all true and are God inspired. Based on a number of artifacts and manuscripts found in the period before and after Christ, the places and events documented in the bible do exist and did in fact happen. With forty different authors including the apostles in the bible giving their accounts of miracles, events and the time they spent with Jesus, there is a common thread that ties them all together i.e. our salvation in Christ. More specifically it is our belief that Jesus walked on this earth in human form, died on the cross for all of our sins and was resurrected from the dead to give us an opportunity to have eternal life through him. 

Our Heavenly Father loved us so much that He sacrificed His one and only Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins and gave us free will to love Him back freely. Love given freely is the largest selfless act we can do. Yet for some people, their relationships do not work out or are often difficult because they are forcing their will on other people. Forced relationships based on our own selfish desires just don’t work. By following the teachings of Jesus in the bible, we can have the solid foundation necessary to cultivate kind, loving and caring relationships with the people around us. Whether it’s with a family member, a friend or a colleague, we can build loving and supportive relationships with them.

The bible tells us that God is love. Love means to serve selflessly, the same way Jesus served others when he was on earth. When Jesus washed the feet of his disciples at the Last Supper, he was showing his love and setting an example for them. We cannot serve others unless we humble ourselves just like Jesus did. Serving others is an act of love and in order to experience God’s love, we need to show our love by serving others. When Christians serve with cheerful hearts while attending to the sick, the poor or the oppressed, we are giving glory to God for continuing the Lord's good works on earth. 

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