Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Love Your Heavenly Father

Our Heavenly Father loved us so much that he sent his one and only Son Jesus Christ, so that we may be reconciled with Him. We were separated from Him at birth because Adam and Eve sinned at the very beginning. We are born into this world spiritually dead but are made spiritually alive when we believe Jesus Christ died on the cross to atone for our sins. We are only cleansed of our sins by the blood of Christ if we forgive others and repent of our sinful ways. We are now a new creation and reborn into the family of God.

God knew us even before we were born. He chose the human race when He planned salvation. In fact, our Lord Jesus Christ asked his Father to send the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of every believer to help each of us in our Christian walk of faith. We become spiritually mature when we submit our will to God and abide under the shadow of His wings. The Holy Spirit counsels us through scripture to lead us to all truth. Every word in the bible is truth as it is God breathed. The bible is a spiritual guide for daily living and used for teaching, rebuking and correction. While there are many versions of the Bible, they are correct if the original meaning is the same and interpreted correctly by the believer.

The two greatest commandments in the Bible are to love the Lord and to love your neighbor as yourself. “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”(1 John 4:16, NIV) When we live in love, we cannot be separated from the love of our Heavenly Father. If you seek Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart and soul, you will find God's unconditional love. His love is unfailing even though we may stray from Him. He wants us to seek Him out and to know Him through our relationship with the Lord. He wants us to walk in Jesus' ways and not those that tempt us to sin. 

As the Father loves his Son, He also loves us when we love His Son Jesus. When we love Jesus, we follow him. Jesus Christ came to earth to save souls. His apostles spread the good news about the gift of salvation for everyone. As disciples in Christ, we too are to share the gift of salvation with others. The Holy Spirit will guide us to evangelize to others so that they also can be saved. Our time here on earth is temporary but our reward is in heaven. If you know people who do not know Jesus, then share the love of the Lord with them. They will be glad you did.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Jesus Christ: The True Messiah

Many religions claim that they are worshiping God but none of them can claim that their “Messiah” was resurrected from the dead. Only Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was resurrected from the dead. Five hundred people saw Jesus Christ, the true living God, after he was resurrected. These eye-witness accounts along with Jesus’ disciples’ encounters with Jesus after his resurrection support this biblical truth. 

Thomas, one of Jesus’ disciples who was not there when Jesus first appeared to his disciples after his resurrection no longer doubted after Jesus appeared and spoke to him: “Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe. Thomas said to him, ‘My Lord and my God!’” (John 20:27-28, NIV). Over a period of forty days after his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive and spoke to them about the kingdom of God.

If Jesus Christ had not been resurrected from the dead, we would not have the gift of salvation. Faith would be futile as there would be nothing to believe in. But because of our Heavenly Father’s great love for us, Jesus died and was resurrected from the dead in order to make the gift of salvation possible. Whoever believes in His Son will have eternal life and not perish. It is with this belief that all disciples in Christ are to share the gospel and the gift of salvation with those around them. Jesus did all the redemptive work at the cross through his suffering, bloodshed and death for all of our sins. When we believe in Jesus, we identify with him in his death where we are dead to our old sinful natures; and we identify with him in his resurrection where we are reborn into the family of God and made clean by Jesus’ shed blood on the cross.

Even after we have received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and have been forgiven of all our sins, we are not immune to temptation. We can overcome all temptation when we have a strong prayer life and walk closely with the Lord by living out the Word of God. There are many Christians who pray only when things are going wrong in their lives but in order to live an abundant Christian life, we need to speak with God daily through heart-felt prayers and to study and meditate on His Word. 

If your idea of prayer is to pray a quick prayer in the morning and in the evening before you go to bed, then you are missing out on having a personal relationship with God. God wants you to rely on Him for everything. When you pass the reins over to Him, He will never steer you wrong. He knows what is best for you even when you yourself don’t know. Pray to your Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus about what is on your mind no matter what it is and expect to hear from Him.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Who is Jesus Christ?

Most people know Jesus Christ to be a Savior but do not realize that he is God in human form. Jesus came to dwell among us in the form of a man to help us understand who God is and to bridge the gap between our Heavenly Father and ourselves. “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation” and “God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in [Christ]” (Colossians 1:15, 19, NIV). 

We know Jesus Christ was human because he experienced human emotions and physical limitations – he wept when he was moved in spirit and troubled when he saw Mary and the Jews weeping over Lazarus’ death; he was tired from his journey and sat down by the well; and he was thirsty and asked the Samaritan woman drawing water from the well to give him a drink. But we also know that he is divine because he performed many miracles which showed his divine power – he healed a blind man with his spittle; he calmed the wind and waves by his command; he healed many who were sick and drove out demons from people who were possessed. Only Jesus could perform these miracles.

As John the Baptist was a witness to Christ, we who are baptized by water are also witnesses to Christ. We as believers can identify with Jesus in his death and in his resurrection. For we died with Christ in our transgressions and are reborn again through his resurrection; he sacrificed his life as an atonement for all of our sins so that we are blameless in the sight of our Heavenly Father. Believers’ baptism is a form of sanctification in the sight of God. Those who are sanctified in the presence of others can testify to the truth about Jesus Christ.

When we fully acknowledge that Jesus Christ was sent by God our Father to die on the cross to atone for our sins and believe that he was resurrected from the dead so we may have the gift of salvation through him, we are inviting Jesus into our lives to be our Lord and Savior. By receiving the gift of salvation, we are baptized with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is sent by our Heavenly Father to dwell inside of us and to teach us all things about Christ. Those who love Jesus will obey his commands.

We are all born with a selfish nature, for even babies cry out because of their needs and have yet to learn how to give. Jesus said he came to this world to serve and not to be served. He wanted his followers to know that this is God’s will. “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.  I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” (John 13:14-15). By serving others, we are being selfless and sharing the love of God. Jesus himself commands his followers to love each other so that the world will know that we are his disciples.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Gift of Salvation

Many people do not know that the gift of salvation is a gift from God. There are some who believe that you must earn your way to heaven but the truth is that the only way to heaven is through our belief in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In the bible, it says that “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9) God sent Jesus our Lord and Savior to save the world from its own sins. He came to this earth two thousand years ago so we could be reconciled with our Heavenly Father.  If we believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to atone for humankind’s sins and that he defeated death through his resurrection on Easter Sunday, we too can have eternal life through him.

Jesus made it clear to his disciples that we need to forgive each other in order to receive forgiveness of our own sins. When we hold grudges against one another or are angry with one another, how can God forgive us if we cannot forgive others?  There are angry people who pass away who never receive the gift of salvation because they could not forgive others of their wrongdoings when they were still alive. God’s love is unconditional and He understands that when others wrong us, we are hurt; but God wants us to forgive others no matter what they have done to us. He expects us to be merciful as He is also merciful with us. For the gift of salvation is for everyone; and he wants us to receive it and to share it openly with others.

For those who have received the gift of salvation, God expects us to share the good news with others. We are all part of the Great Commission that Jesus Christ started when he was here on earth. He wants every person to share this gift of salvation with other people. While no one knows exactly when Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior will return to this earth, we can still all help in the Great Commission.  If you know of someone who has yet to come to Christ, then share this gift of salvation with them. They will be happy you did. For this gift is to be shared because God so loved this world that he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

If you know of someone who is ready to receive Christ, then have them pray this prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I believe that Jesus Christ died to atone for my sins and was resurrected from the dead so that I may have life through him. I receive Jesus Christ today as my Lord and Savior.

I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Why God Is Important In Our Lives

Today many people are focused on money, fame, and power yet don’t see anything wrong with it. However, it is only when something drastic happens in their lives that they see that these things don’t matter because life is more important. When we encounter hardships and no one is able to help us, we cry out to God. God is our last resort. If you ever recall a time in your life when you thought that there was no way out of a situation, or there was no cure for your sickness, God does hear us and helps us. God doesn’t want us to rely on Him only when we are in trouble but He wants us to have a relationship with Him.

When we receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are inviting the Lord into our lives. God sends the Holy Spirit to help guide us and to teach us what we need to know in order to do the work God purposed us to do. When we seek God’s kingdom first and are righteous in our deeds, God blesses us abundantly. Blessings can be good health, healthy relationships with those around us, or feeling fulfilled when we do God’s work. When we put God first, he makes things go smoothly in our lives because God is in control. 

While many people continue to believe that their lives will be better with material wealth, they eventually realize that money does not buy happiness. Happiness comes from having the peace of God inside of you. When you have a relationship with God, you will feel His peace. No matter what difficulties you might be experiencing in your life, you are calm because you know God is with you.  Jesus’ birth name was Immanuel which means “God with us” (Matthew 1:23, NIV). When you have Jesus in your heart, God is with you. This is God’s peace.

There are Christians whose spiritual walk with God are at a standstill. They do not realize that faith alone is not enough; they need to step up to do God’s work and to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Whether this means helping out at your local church, doing outreach in the community or going on a missions trip, these are all examples of God working through us to share His love. When we do God’s work, we do it to glorify God. He enables us to do the things that He purposed us to do through Christ no matter what our limitations are.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

God Is Faithful

No matter what we have done, God is faithful. He is the one true constant that never changes. His love for us is unconditional. He created us in His image and gave us free will to choose whether to love Him or not. When we are obedient to God, we are saying to Him, we love You and will follow You. This is why when we believe in God’s Son, Jesus Christ and what he did for us on the cross, we have the opportunity to start a new life. By acknowledging that Christ died on the cross to atone for all of our sins, we are made clean or new again when we believe in Jesus.

Those who do not have a relationship with God suffer in silence. They feel hopeless about their circumstances, abandoned and even unworthy because they have never known the love of God. When we put our faith in Jesus, we are not alone. God sends His Holy Spirit to be with us and to guide us because He knows what is best for us. His Spirit is always in agreement with what the bible says because scripture comes from God. 

The bible is our guide to living a Christian abundant life; no matter what problems we encounter, the solutions are found in the bible. For “all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17, NIV) Whether you are having a problem in your marriage, or with your finances, or are suffering in some way, God knows exactly what you are going through and provides counsel through Scripture in every aspect of our lives. 

God wants each and every one of us to live a life full of love but because He gave us free will, evil exists. The devil knows our weaknesses and will try to tempt us with worldly things but those who have a solid foundation in Christ’s teachings will not be tempted. By following the teachings in the bible, we can live a life full of love and serve as a blessing to others. God shows His love through people by having them serve in different ways. Whether you are compelled to help out at a local food bank, or to advocate for community programs to empower the poor, or to listen and give a stranger much needed encouragement, God is calling all of us to help others in whatever capacity we can as He wants everyone to know His love. When we put our faith in Jesus and are righteous in all that we do, God blesses our lives abundantly.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What Is Faith and Who Has It?

You may know of people who do not believe in anything that they cannot see, or need for it to be proved scientifically before they can believe. This is NOT faith. For faith is “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1, NIV) Without faith, you cannot possibly have a relationship with God.

While there are people who question the validity of the bible and that it comes from God, there is evidence that the accounts given in the bible are all true and are God inspired. Based on a number of artifacts and manuscripts found in the period before and after Christ, the places and events documented in the bible do exist and did in fact happen. With forty different authors including the apostles in the bible giving their accounts of miracles, events and the time they spent with Jesus, there is a common thread that ties them all together i.e. our salvation in Christ. More specifically it is our belief that Jesus walked on this earth in human form, died on the cross for all of our sins and was resurrected from the dead to give us an opportunity to have eternal life through him. 

Our Heavenly Father loved us so much that He sacrificed His one and only Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins and gave us free will to love Him back freely. Love given freely is the largest selfless act we can do. Yet for some people, their relationships do not work out or are often difficult because they are forcing their will on other people. Forced relationships based on our own selfish desires just don’t work. By following the teachings of Jesus in the bible, we can have the solid foundation necessary to cultivate kind, loving and caring relationships with the people around us. Whether it’s with a family member, a friend or a colleague, we can build loving and supportive relationships with them.

The bible tells us that God is love. Love means to serve selflessly, the same way Jesus served others when he was on earth. When Jesus washed the feet of his disciples at the Last Supper, he was showing his love and setting an example for them. We cannot serve others unless we humble ourselves just like Jesus did. Serving others is an act of love and in order to experience God’s love, we need to show our love by serving others. When Christians serve with cheerful hearts while attending to the sick, the poor or the oppressed, we are giving glory to God for continuing the Lord's good works on earth. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Listening to and Obeying God

If you are like most Christians, you may wonder how God communicates with us? God reaches out to us in many different ways – through scripture, thoughts, television programs, events, and even our own relationships with other people. God’s presence is everywhere. He will often speak to us when we are quietly reading scripture from the bible or when we are praying. This includes pausing and listening for God to respond to us while we are reading or praying. By disciplining yourself and making this a daily habit, you will be able to recognize God’s voice. If you are unsure, ask yourself, is what I am hearing based on truth in the bible? For all good things come from God as James, a faithful servant of God, testifies, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights.” (James 1:17a, NIV)

However, if what you are hearing is tempting you to sin, then what you are hearing is coming from worldly influences. When your belief is firmly rooted in Christ, you will be able to overcome all evil desires. It is your faith in Jesus that will prompt you to always to do the right thing. The better we understand God’s word, the more prepared we are when we are faced with worldly temptations. This not only means understanding biblical scriptures but actually doing what it says. For in the bible it says,

“Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in the mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it – he will be blessed in what he does.” (James 1:23-25, NIV)

By following the teachings of Jesus Christ, we can live the abundant Christian life that God intended for us to live. For God did not want us to suffer but to live an enjoyable life full of love for Him and for each other. This love God has for all of us is unconditional. No matter what you have done or how unworthy you may feel or how badly others have treated you, God still loves you.

If you live a Christ-centered life, God will compel you to have compassion for others, no matter what they have done. As Christians, we are God’s hands, feet, eyes and heart to reach out to the poor, the sick and the oppressed in this world. God has a purpose for each and every Christian but we need to open our eyes, ears and hearts to hear what He is telling us to do. Our obedience to God is essential in helping us mature spiritually because preaching the gospel is not enough. We must also do the good deeds God commands us to do out of love in order to glorify His name.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

God's Truth and Promise

Many people think they are good people in general because they lead a moral life, and don’t need to be saved to have eternal life. So when a Christian shares the good news about God’s promise of eternal life through his son Jesus Christ, they don’t think it is necessary to accept Jesus and reject what they are hearing. This reaction often discourages Christians from sharing the good news about Jesus because they don’t want to upset people or they are afraid of what people will think of them if they try to share the gospel message of Jesus Christ.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16, NIV) There are many people who pass away without ever knowing this promise about eternal salvation through Christ because they were either never exposed to someone who knew the Gospel or was never told the good news about God’s Son.

In fact, every human adult is guilty of committing at least one of the cardinal sins in their lifetime, whether it’s wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy or gluttony because we are born into a world of sin. But because God sacrificed his one and only son Jesus to atone for all of our sins, we have a second chance to live an abundant Christian life when we do accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

If you have accepted Jesus into your life and know of a family member, a friend or even a co-worker who hasn’t already, then God wants you to share the good news about his Son with them. We as Christians are all called to the Great Commission that Jesus Christ started on earth to help in the eternal salvation of the world. 

If you have a heart for God, then pray to your Heavenly Father to provide opportunities for you to share the good news with those around you who have yet to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit will guide you in those opportunities as to what to say so that they will be receptive when you share the good news about Jesus and what he did on the cross for all of us. For Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know Him and have seen Him.” (John 14:6-7, NIV)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Christianity: Not a Religion

While there are many religions practiced around the world, Christianity is different. Christianity is actually NOT a religion but our relationship with God and our relationships with other people. When God the Father sent Jesus Christ his only Son to die on the cross for us, it was because he wanted us to have a personal relationship with Him. Jesus Christ is not only our Lord and Savior but our bridge to having a relationship with our Heavenly Father. For Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6, NIV)

God wants you to rely on Him because He knows what is best for you. He wants you to involve Him in all aspects of your life so that He can guide you and help you. He wants you to always be authentic when you pray and speak to Him. No matter how you are feeling, you can speak to God about anything. If you are upset because things are not going well in your life, the Lord understands your anger and frustration. He knows exactly what you need even when you don’t. We may not always sense His presence but He is always there for you. For God said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5) Just as God is faithful to us, he expects us to be faithful to Him. The one thing He does ask of us is to believe in his Son Jesus Christ – for he is the way. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12, NIV) 

People often don’t realize that Jesus is the head of the Christian church. He wanted to build a church based on a community of believers who supported one another and held each other accountable for their actions. No church body can claim to have such a foundation except Christianity. Believers know that the Bible is God’s Word and the truth. By following the teachings in the Bible and being a part of a Christian community, people can live the abundant life that Christ wanted us to live. No matter what problems you may be facing in your life right now, the answers are in God’s Word and faithful Christians are there to help you to succeed.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Finding God's Peace and Love

Jesus Christ died on the cross for humanity's sins. He is our bridge to having a relationship with God the Father. By accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you will have eternal salvation and draw closer to God. Almighty God is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit who form the Holy Trinity.

This God wants a personal relationship with you. When you submit your will to God, you are giving up your reins to have God guide you in the form of the Holy Spirit in all aspects of your life. Otherwise without God in your life, you will never be truly satisfied.

Many people never ever find true happiness, joy or fulfillment because they do not have a relationship with God. Often people think it can be found in material success, in human relationships and even in positions of authority. But the truth is there is no peace without God in our lives. 

God knows what is best for us because he loves us unconditionally. There are many examples of God working in people’s lives. For example, through Oprah Winfrey’s belief in Jesus Christ, she found God’s peace and was blessed by God. Justin Bieber’s belief in Jesus Christ helped him to find God’s peace and he was blessed also. Ted Williams, a homeless man blessed with a great radio voice, believed in Jesus Christ and he too found God’s peace and was blessed by God. 

God has a purpose for all of us. Sometimes we don’t know what that purpose is because God times everything. We develop our skills and talents throughout our lives because God wants us to succeed. God’s word tells us that we can do nothing without Christ who strengthens us. He has a purpose for each and every one of us even though we might not know what that purpose is. He is always guiding us so that one day we will find ourselves doing what he created us to do.

So when you find yourself at a standstill in your life, speak to God through prayer and seek His advice. He will never steer you wrong. He knows what is best for you and what you need. So without a relationship with God, you are bound to fail because you are trying to do things on your own. Our reliance on God is crucial in order to receive His blessings in our lives.