Jesus made it clear to his disciples that we need to forgive each other in order to receive forgiveness of our own sins. When we hold grudges against one another or are angry with one another, how can God forgive us if we cannot forgive others? There are angry people who pass away who never receive the gift of salvation because they could not forgive others of their wrongdoings when they were still alive. God’s love is unconditional and He understands that when others wrong us, we are hurt; but God wants us to forgive others no matter what they have done to us. He expects us to be merciful as He is also merciful with us. For the gift of salvation is for everyone; and he wants us to receive it and to share it openly with others.
For those who have received the gift of salvation, God expects us to share the good news with others. We are all part of the Great Commission that Jesus Christ started when he was here on earth. He wants every person to share this gift of salvation with other people. While no one knows exactly when Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior will return to this earth, we can still all help in the Great Commission. If you know of someone who has yet to come to Christ, then share this gift of salvation with them. They will be happy you did. For this gift is to be shared because God so loved this world that he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
If you know of someone who is ready to receive Christ, then have them pray this prayer.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I believe that Jesus Christ died to atone for my sins and was resurrected from the dead so that I may have life through him. I receive Jesus Christ today as my Lord and Savior.
I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.